Dell Inspiron 15 3000 - In-depth Review and Specifications

 Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Laptop - Throughout Review & Specifications

Dell is one of the most popular brands in India in the product category of laptops. And Inspiron is one of the most popular product series of them.

In the last article, we reviewed one of the laptops of the aforementioned series which comes in the price range of about Rs. 32K. That was a budget laptop, running on an AMDs low-middle end processor, oriented to be used for day-to-day work.

But, if you are thinking of purchasing a new Dell laptop with more advanced features with a quite big upgrade in the budget, here we have got a brand-new Dell laptop for you.

Dell Inspiron 15 3000 - Review and Specifications

Dell Inspiron 15 3525 (d560766win9be) - Review and Specifications

Dell Inspiron 15 3525 (d560766win9be) - Complete Hands-on Review and Highlighted Specifications

Dell Inspiron 15 3525 is a budget laptop launched in the price range of Rs. 30K. Now the main problem with laptops launched in this price range is that there are countless laptops, even some with almost the same specification launched by the same company. So, it becomes a confusion for the buyers and they often fail to decide to buy the best laptop according to their own needs.

Dell Inspiron 15 3525 (d560766win9be) Review

Infinix INBook X1 Slim Laptop Review

Infinix INBook X1 Slim XL21 Laptop Review

While it looked like some companies are grabbing the Indian laptop market, some companies are looking to enter the Indian laptop market with promising specifications at an affordable price range. Infinix falls in the category described later.

Recently, Infinix came up with a brand-new series of laptops which includes the Infinix INBook X1 Slim XL21.

Read the complete article to find out an overview of the specifications of Infinix INBook X1 Slim XL21 along with an in-depth review of the Infinix INBook X1 Slim XL21 Laptop made from our keep observations of the device.

Infinix INBook X1 Slim XL21 Review