Case study: Apple’s success

There are very few companies out there that are as successful as Apple is. The simple answer to their success is the great strategy made by Apple. Let’s discuss that-

The strategy of selling all products:

Do you know that the former Apple CEO Steve Jobs favorite book was Bhagavad Gita which is known for wisdom and also for the Mahabharata’s strategy. Then what less can you expect from a company like Apple to do. To sell their all products not only sell but also to dominate in the category they created their ecosystem called the Apple ecosystem. If you are not familiar with the term ecosystem then let me define you in easy language. In the Apple ecosystem, all Apple products are interconnected and they work perfectly and seamlessly in their ecosystem. Apple creates a lot of products from smartphone to smart Bluetooth speaker to laptops and many more. Let’s take an example: the most popular smartwatch out there is the Apple watch(according to Apple) and if you want to use one of them then you need to have an iPhone cause it works only with iPhones. Let’s suppose you own an iPhone and now you want to buy a laptop/pc then what can be the better option than a MacBook or an iMac. Now you can’t say that you don’t have enough money lying around to buy one of them, if you can spend on an iPhone then you should also spend on those products to unlock Apple’s true potential.

Customer value:

Apple always chooses their customer in the first place against any other option, and its main priority is to protect consumer’s data. An average consumer would always want to use easy tech which can be accessed smoothly and also which can add value in their life, if it’s not then the tech is useless. Apple understood that and implemented them in their all products and they came up with easy to use IOS for iPhone, MAC OS for MacBooks and iMacs and seamless use of all Apple products in the Apple ecosystem. If you ever use anyone Apple product then you would barely switch to Android or any other platforms. And that’s how they managed to create a loyal consumer base and it is next to impossible to break that.


Apple has been always known for their innovation. When it was the beginning Apple managed to come up with the world’s first commercially successful PC then they created the world’s first successful smartphone, the first iPhone in 2007. After that, they brought the world’s most popular smartwatch ever made in history. All that was at the time of Steve Jobs now Apple is just relaunching their old products with a few here and there upgrades.

World-Class Marketing:

Apple is always good with its marketing. After launching any products you can see their advertisement everywhere from YouTube ads to television ads and also obviously in Time Square’s Billboards.

Fingerprint Scanner Introduction:

We should learn how Apple has introduced the old unpopular technologies with excellent marketing skills, if you do not know about that then let me throw light over there for you. According to Apple, the first fingerprint scanner was invented by Apple but before them, it was implemented in a phone called Pantech GI100 in 2004, when Apple didn’t even launch their phone. But, at that time it was unpopular and Apple used the fingerprint scanner in iPhone 5s in 2013 and named it the so-called Touch ID. And also acquired the patent of the Fingerprint scanner.

It all happened only by their marketing skill. They mentioned the Touch ID as the key feature of the iPhone 5s. There are many such examples but let’s leave them for another blog.

Apple as environment protector:

In the last year(2020) Apple didn’t include Charging brick and ear pods in iPhone’s retailing box to reduce the e-waste and also to use less amount of paper in their box(due to smaller box size ). Okay, that seems good, right? Let’s discuss that, Apple planned this marketing strategy many years ago so they first removed their earphone jack in the 2016 (16th Sep) iPhone 7, then they released the first Apple’s wireless earphone Air pods on 13th Dec 2016, if someone is unable to afford one they included a lightning to 3.5mm jack dongle in their box, after a few years 21st Sep 2018 they released iPhone Xs without packing the dongle inside the box cause the dongle caused slow down their wireless earphone sell. From 2017 to 2018 they sold around 51million units of Air pods, but in 2018 when Apple released their next iPhone without a dongle the Air pods sales increased more than double of 2017 and 2018 in 2019 and it became freaking 60 million a year(2019). In 2019’s iPhone the charging cable was a type C to lightning cable and then the next year in 2020 they became a so-called environmentalist and removed the charging brick, but provided a type C to lightning cable, which can be only accessed if you own a previous-gen iPhone. But if you want to buy a changing brick they worth rupees 1,999 Apple gave you a choice to buy a Mag Safe worth rupees 4,500, but to think of it, it doesn’t make the e-waste less but increase it, Apple could have provided a USB with a to type C cable, and you can use it with your old charger, but you have to buy one brick which increases waste one your old charger and the second your new brick’s box packaging. Then what it is to if it’s not marketing

Strategy to earn the maximum profit:

Apple is currently the world’s second most valuable company with the net worth of $2.08 trillion so they have always managed to generate the most revenue by crafting products at the lowest cost and selling them at a higher price tag. For example, Apple revealed that it costs roughly 35,000 INR to craft an iPhone X but they sell that at 91,900 INR it means that they generate a revenue of 56,900/iPhone X which is pretty much sick. The crafting price is low because they try to not be dependent on other companies for components, they are always a self-sufficient company. They designed cheap for their iPhone, they built their Operating System and many more. They are only dependent on Samsung for their display, in the past, they used to take computers cheap from Intel but now they also managed to build the world’s first ARM-based computer cheap which is as expected faster than any other cheap.

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